Thursday, August 13, 2009

Aion Macros - How to create Macros

What is a Macro?

A macro is a function that enables you to carry out a number of continuous processes, in one step. By using macros, you can conveniently use several skills or commands with just a single icon.

Running a Macro

<49884> (If it's on the China version, otherwise I think you can find it yourself) Click to open the Edit Macro Window. Run a macro by selecting one from the Macro List and registering its icon on the Quickbar, or by entering the Macro Command directly in the Chat Window.

Registering a Macro

You can register a new macro by pressing the 'New Macro' button on the Macro Tab of the Macro Window. You can register up to 12 macros.

Deleting a Macro

Select the macro icon to delete on the Macro Window and click the 'Delete' button.

Editing a Macro

1. Select the macro icon to edit and click the 'Edit' button.

2. Edit the macro text on the Edit Macro Window, and click the 'Save' button.

Composition of Edit Macro Window

Macro Name: When you register a macro on the Quickbar, the name of the macro is displayed as a tool tip. You can enter up to 10 characters including spaces.

Macro Description: Enter a brief description of the macro here. You can enter up to 40 characters including spaces.

Select Icon: These are icons you can use as macro icons.

Enter Macro Command: Enter the commands to include in the macro. You can enter up to 255 characters including spaces.

Entering a Macro Automatically

Dragging a skill, function, emotion, Quickbar or item icons onto the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window enters the command automatically.

Entering a Macro Manually - Skills

Enter '/Skill [skill name]' in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window. You need to enter the exact name of the skill, including spaces, to run the macro properly.

Ex) /Skill Ferocious Strike II

Entering a Macro Manually - Functions

Enter '/Skill [function name]' in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window. You need to enter the exact name of the function, including spaces, to run the macro properly.

Ex) /Skill Pick Up Item

Entering a Macro Manually - Emotions

Enter '/[emotion name]' in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window.

Ex) /Laugh

Entering a Macro Manually - Quickbar

Enter '/Quickbar [quickbar type] [number of quickbar rows] [quickbar number]' in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window. The numbers for quickbar types are: Basic Quickbar (1), Ctrl Quickbar (2), Alt Quickbar (3), and Right Quickbar (4).

Ex) /Quickbar 1 1 1 - executes the icon registered in the first slot of the first row of the Basic Quickbar.

Entering a Macro Manually - Items

Enter '/Use [item name]' accurately in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window.

Ex) /Use Mercenary Canteen

Entering a Macro Manually - Target Selection

Enter '/Select [character name]' in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window. You can enter [%Yourself], [%Pet], [%Group1]~[%Group5], [%Pet1~5], [%Target], [%PreviousTarget] and [%TargetofTarget] instead of a character name.

Ex) /Select [%Pet1] - Selects the pet of the group member no. 1.

/Select [%PreviousTarget] - Selects the previously selected target.

Entering a Macro Manually - Chat

Enter '/[chat mode] [text]' in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window.

Ex) /Whisper Hi there!

You can enter [%Yourself], [%Pet], [%Group1~5], [%Pet1~5], [%Target], [%PreviousTarget] and [%TargetofTarget] while in the middle of a chat.

Ex) /Group [%Group1] is really the best!

Entering a Macro Manually - Variables

You can assign variables to frequently used names by entering /Variable [0~9] [name] in the Enter Macro Command box of the Edit Macro Window.

Ex) /Variable 0 Minor Potion of Life

You can compose macros more easily by registering variables assigned to long names. Assigned variables can be checked in the Variable tab of the Macro Window.

Ex) /Use [#Variable0] - uses a Minor Potion of Life.

Entering a Macro Manually - Miscellaneous

You can delay time by entering '/Delay [time(seconds)].

Ex) /Delay 3.5 - delays the execution for 3.5 seconds.

You can execute a normal attack by entering '/Attack'.

Ex) /Attack - attacks a selected target.

You can change the usage status of a Power Shard by entering '/Power Shard [Activate/Deactivate]'.

Ex) /Power Shard Activate - uses the Power Shard.

You can change your equipped weapon by entering '/changeweaponset'.

You can support a selected target by entering '/AssistTarget'.

You can automatically choose a target to attack by entering '/AutomaticSelection'.

Cautions about using Macros

- You cannot enter another macro within a macro.

- Some commands may require sufficient cooldown time between the execution of commands.

- Macros are stopped when there is not enough MP or HP to execute a skill, or when there is no target.

- You can use the Example tab to see how you can use commands.

- You cannot use the following macro commands in the Chat window.

/Delay [%Yourself], [%Pet], [%Group1~5], [%Pet1~5], [%Target], [%PreviousTarget], [%TargetofTarget] and [%Variable0~9].


In this tutorial, we will be exploring how to click and drag the skills into the macro command box. I will also show you the 2 most popular macro examples used by solo and group party players. I have also written down some of the most basic and commonly used macro commands at the bottom of the tutorial. And before I conclude the tutorial, I will share with you the issues arises from using the macro and how to use them so that the chain will not be interrupted.

For new players, do not worry if you think that typing macros may be equivilant to keying in html or C++ command lines. Thank NCSoft for the Click and Drag function that will save you tons of trouble.

1 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

The Power Shard section is incorrect. It's /Powershard Activate or /Powershard Dectivate. Powershard is one word.

Lorhag of Lumiel

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