Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Aion: Omens of Ice Overview

Hello Daevas! As you may have seen from our teaser, the next update is just around the corner. Aion: Omens of Ice will be launching July 19. There is a lot in store for this update and we’re excited to be releasing it. Have a look below for a sneak peek at some of the content you’ll find in the update as well as a special RSVP bonus.

New Instances

Bastion of Souls
Up to 12 Daevas will search for the last surviving member of a secret detachment sent to investigate a mysterious place that appeared in Reshanta.

Trials of Eternity
With increasing urgency, a group of Daevas will infiltrate deeper into the Tower of Eternity in search of the artifact that can save – or destroy – Atreia.

Crucible Spire
With Dredgions appearing in the capital cities, the Empyrean Lords are worried about what’s to come. They have built a tower in search of the strongest Daevas, who will battle alone to the top.

PVP Arenas

Grand Arena of Tenacity
The Arena of Tenacity has expanded and a new Tournament has opened for groups of 6 to fight against each other for prestige and rewards.

Evergale Canyon
This PvPvE instance will pit 24v24 against each other to gain control of an Artifact. This special instance will also allow further players to join up to 96v96 each side; this will also change the map’s size and available objectives.


Fierce monsters in small form. This new upgradeable Pet type will aid you in battle with special abilities, fetch dropped items, grant your consumable items and more!

Other Changes

Included in the update are also changes to existing systems. Enchanting is being improved and simplified, item tooltips are being revamped, both races’ starting zones are receiving a visual update, and much more!


Before the update goes live you have a special opportunity to register your attendance and receive special items for doing so! You can register on the site here until July 17. You will only have one week to claim your items in-game after the patch goes live so act swiftly!

Watch for more in-depth posts as we get closer to the launch of Aion: Omens of Ice on July 19, as we will dive more into the content and changes you will see.

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