Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Harvest Revel Pumpkin Carving Contest 2017

Pumpkins are back in season! But set down your pumpkin-flavored coffee, cookies, and cakes, and push aside your pumpkin-scented soaps, air fresheners, and mouth washes—it’s time to get back to basics and carve them up for fabulous prizes!

How You Slice It
The NCSOFT Pumpkin Carving Contest is available across all titles: AION, Lineage II, WildStar, Blade & Soul, and MXM. You’re tasked with carving a pumpkin and submitting them in the artistic style and look of the game you’re entering for. Each individual game has their own individual news article like this one, their own submission process, and their own rewards! In addition to the game-specific rewards we’re also awarding best-overall carvings across all games.

The Scoop
Use your artistic skills—by masterfully massacring some gourd flesh, or get artistic and make it look like you had—and create a design based on the game you’re entering for. Your entry must be your original work, and must be based on the game title you’re entering for. Any designs that violate a copyright or someone else’s intellectual property (other than NCSOFT’s) will be disqualified.

Here are some examples from years past!

One winner from each game will be selected to win 4000 NCoin (or equivalent in Protobucks or X-Coin) the following from their selected game:

• Imperial Courtier Costume Set

Blade & Soul
• Kindred Soul Costume and White Horse Mask

Lineage II
• Halloween Costume & 500,000,000 Adena

• Mischief Night Bundle

• Shadow Warrior Costume + Velocirex (Electrified)

Three Grand Prize winners will be chosen from each category (real pumpkin and virtual), across all entries for all titles and will each receive:
• 8,000 NCoin and the selected game prizing from above


The NCSOFT team will select the finalists and Grand Prize winners, and they’ll be announced on October 31, 2017 and winners will be contacted directly shortly thereafter. Judging will be based on creativity, originality, and overall representation of the contest theme.

Read the Official Contest Rules before entering.


For the real-life pumpkin carving please take a photo of your carving alongside a hand-written or printed note of your in-game name, server, and the year, so we can verify authenticity.

Submit Here

Click the submission link above, or email your entry with the subject line: Pumpkin Carving Contestto aioncommunity@ncsoft.com. The body of the email must include your in-game character name and server along with this line: “This email is submitted as an entry in the Aion Pumpkin Carving Contest 2017.”

This contest ends on October 29, 2017 so please get your entry in before then!

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