Thursday, August 17, 2023

Unleash the Mayhem: Aion Online's Dungeon Monster Event


In the fantastical world of Aion Online, a thrilling event is unfolding that promises to shake up the routine of Daeva life. From August 15 to August 22, the game is hosting the Dungeon Monster Mayhem Event, where monsters are breaking free from their dungeon confines and venturing into the heart of Inggison and Gelkmaros in Balaurea. Let’s delve into the details of this exciting event.

Monsters on the Loose

During this event, monsters from various dungeons are making unexpected appearances in the regions of Inggison and Gelkmaros. Players are encouraged to engage in combat against these event-driven adversaries, unlocking a treasure trove of consumables and coveted cosmetic rewards.

Nostalgic Rewards Await

Among the treasures lies the 'Ecstasy Chainsword' and a collection of other nostalgic cosmetic items that harken back to the early days of Aion. This event is a golden opportunity for players to relive the essence of Aion's beginnings while reaping the spoils of victory.

Scheduled Monster Spawns

The event features specific spawn times and locations for these dungeon monsters, with different types of monsters appearing each day from 21:00 to 21:30 server time. For example, on August 15, players can expect to encounter four types of monsters from Dark Poeta in Inggison and Gelkmaros.

Monsters and Rewards

  • 15 monsters of 4 types in each dungeon will be spawned at set times (total of 60 monsters per day).
  • 100% chance to drop '[Event] Puzzle Consumables Bundle' when defeating spawned monsters.
  • There is a chance to acquire weapons and '[Event] Puzzle Appearance Bundle'.

Treasure Chests Galore

Defeating spawned monsters from specific dungeons grants players a chance of obtaining unique Treasure Chests. These chests contain a variety of powerful and visually stunning weapons, reminiscent of iconic bosses and locations from Aion's storied past.

Bundles of Joy

The '[Event] Puzzle Consumables Bundle' grants players a chance of obtaining a variety of useful items, including Unconfirmed Lesser Tiamat Painting Shards, [Event] Doguri Face Shaped Cookies, and Forgotten Lesser Memory Shards.

The '[Event] Puzzle Appearance Bundle' offers a chance to obtain one of several nostalgic items, including the Ecstasy Chainsword, Fluttering Wings, Animal Pajamas, and the Casual Date Outfit, among others.

Conclusion: A Week of Monster Mayhem in Aion Online

The Dungeon Monster Mayhem Event is a unique and engaging addition to Aion Online's rich tapestry of content. It offers players not only a challenging and fun combat experience but also a chance to acquire some of the most iconic and nostalgic items from the game's history.

As Aion Online continues to captivate its player base with fresh and exciting content, this event stands as a testament to the game’s commitment to delivering memorable experiences. So, gear up and prepare to face the mayhem—these monsters won't defeat themselves!

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