Thursday, June 18, 2015

How I started playing Aion

My friends been bugging me to start playing Aion. At first i thought the whole story about the Tower and 2 worlds were silly. But when i started to play it i thought it was so cool. I decided to become a priest. A healing priest! A priest who help his friends when they are low on energy.

I digged the whole vibe of the game from the start to end. Me and my friends played it alot so it went quite quick to reach level 65. We kept playing of course. 

During this time i played other video games. I Played alot of playstation as well as some slots online. It was kind of fun to play with small amounts and have the chance to win big. Because i like to play online casino and only if i were little bit more lucky i could win a bit more. 

My Friend Victor deposited 10 euros and won 500 euros! He is so lucky! I got a bit jealous when he won because with the money he won he went travelling abroad. 

While i was stuck at home. I still played alot of Aion so that kept my mood in better shape.

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