Esta and the rest of the Candy Galaxy Corporation have come to Atreia to bring tasty Pumpking Ghoulash for all, but the Great Pumpkin King has different intentions. He has stolen all of the pumpkins Esta needs to create her ghoulash! Help Candy Galaxy Corporation retrieve the stolen pumpkins and be rewarded handsomely. Other spooky bonuses and treats are available too.
- How To Participate -
The Great Pumpkn King
Levels 65+
Starting tomorrow, October 25, the Candy Galaxy Corporation can be found in the capital cities and sanctuaries inside Iluma and Norsvold. Speak with Esta and receive quests to obtain the Stolen Pumpkins from the Great Pumpkin King – the more Stolen Pumpkins required, the higher the reward. You will be able to find the Great Pumpkin King hiding in Archdaeva solo and group instances. Once found, you can use Candy Blasts to defeat the Great Pumpkin King and retrieve a Stolen Pumpkin and special bundle.*
To obtain Candy Blasts, each day Archdaevas will receive 2 Candy Blasts every 10 minutes, up to 10 per day. Additional Candy Blasts can be found inside Detonation Stations provided by the Candy Galaxy Corporation scattered around Pandamoniem, Sanctum, Iluma and Norsvold. These first-come first-serve Detonation Stations will only appear hourly between 6 -11 PM server time each day. Additionally, you will be able to purchase 10 Candy Blasts daily on the store for 240 NCoin.
*Note: Group instances require 18 Candy Blasts, and solo instances require 7.
Spooky Coffin
Levels 10+
Also during the event period you will find large candles placed around the capital cities, and sanctuaries in Iluma and Norsvold. Work with others to light the candles in the proper order to spawn an Elegant Coffin. This coffin will only be around for one minute, but interacting with it before it disappears grants you an hour long buff which provides a 400% EXP boost and 100% drop boost.
Candy Queen
Levels 65+
Next to the Candy Galaxy Corporation members you will find Guen, the Candy Queen. She may appear to be just a cat, but each day she has a special trick-or-treat goodie bag full of transformation candies for all Archdaevas.
- Rewards -
For a full list of rewards and available instances please see the thread on the forums here.
Pumpkin King’s Haunt will be ending November 8, so be sure to have a scary good time before it ends!
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