Friday, February 19, 2021

New Feature: Minion Awakening

On Wednesday, Feb. 24, Aion is receiving a host of updates, bringing the game current to the major Sept. 9 patch Korea received last year. The first of the major new features is Minion Awakening, which you can read more about below. Minion Awakening

Now, Rank 4, S-Grade minions can be Awakened, but be warned: awakening a minion comes at a price. You will be required to offer an additional S-Grade minion in order to awaken your chosen minion.

Awakened minions gain access to a new mini-minion slot, meaning they can equip minions of their own. They can only equip Rank 4 minions, of any grade.

Mini-minions provide several benefits. You'll be able to use their active minion skill in addition to your minion's, and will gain bonus stats based on the type and grade of the mini-minion. If a minion equips an S-Rank mini-minion of the same type (regardless of prefix), you will gain additional bonus stats rather than being able to use its skill twice. Awakening is a straightforward feature, it is also a very powerful one!

We will have more news to come on what else will be joining Aion in the upcoming update!

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