Monday, June 26, 2023

Aion Classic Celebrates Its Second Anniversary with Exciting Events and Promotions


On June 20, 2023, Aion Classic marked its second anniversary with an announcement of special surveys and bundle promotions. The community team at Aion orchestrated these exciting events to celebrate the milestone, offering numerous rewards and bonuses to players.

Aion Classic Second Anniversary Event Survey

The "Classic 2nd Anniversary Event Survey" kicked off on June 20, 2023, and is set to run until July 11, 2023. This event targets characters level 50 and above, offering them an opportunity to receive one of the following rewards by merely completing the event survey upon logging into the game:

  • [Event] Elite Guardian Primus Pilus's Pauldrons/Gloves/Shoes Selection Box (Elyos)
  • [Event] Elite Archon Primus Pilus's Pauldrons/Gloves/Shoes Selection Box (Asmo)
  • [Event] Elite Tribunus Weapon Selection Box II
  • Platinum Medal (Quantity: 15)
  • Sapphire Medal (Quantity: 30)
  • [Event] 10 Major Ancient Crown Box

The selection boxes allow players to choose specific items, providing an added layer of customization and control over their rewards. For instance, the [Event] Elite Guardian Primus Pilus's Pauldrons/Gloves/Shoes Selection Box (Elyos) allows players to choose from Pauldrons, Gloves, or Shoes Selection Box, catering to their character's current needs or strategic gameplay.

Fresh Start in a New Server Survey Event

In addition to the anniversary event survey, Aion Classic also launched the "Fresh Start in a New Server Survey Event" on the Nezekan server. This event, running from June 20 to July 11, 2023, targets characters at level 10 or above. The initiative aims to provide necessary items for character growth and support activities on new servers, where growth is still ongoing.

Participants of this event will receive the following rewards upon completing the event survey:

  • [Event] Level 50 Heroic Stigma Box
  • [Event] Level 55 Fabled Stigma Box
  • Sapphire Medal (Quantity: 5)

Classic Second Anniversary Bundle

The anniversary celebrations also introduced the "Classic 2nd Anniversary Bundle Promotion," available for a limited duration from June 20 to July 4, 2023. During this promotion, players will have the opportunity to purchase various bundles and items, including:

  • 2nd Anniversary Bundle, which includes:
    • [Event] Golden (LV 91-100) Enchantment Stone Box (Quna: 1580, Limit: 1/Account)
    • [Event] 5 Major Ancient Crown Box
    • Platinum Medal (Quantity: 15)
    • Daeva Potential Godstone Selection Box
    • [Event] Large Supplement (Eternal)
  • Stigma Support Package, which includes:
    • Level 45-54 Greater Stigma Box (Quna: 590, Limit: 1/Account)
    • Level 51-55 Heroic Stigma Box
    • Level 55 Fabled Stigma Box
    • [Event] Stigma Shard (Quantity: 10000)
  • Charming Pink Tiger Candy (Quna: 100, Can be sold to any shop for 1,000,000 Kinah)

These promotions and events offer both new and veteran players a wealth of opportunities to enhance their gaming experience. Whether you're looking to boostyour character's growth, nab some exclusive items, or take part in the festivities, the Classic 2nd Anniversary Event Surveys and Bundle promotions provide a range of opportunities for all.

The Aion Classic team has demonstrated their commitment to fostering a dynamic and rewarding gaming environment with these anniversary events. The wide array of rewards and bonuses not only offers tangible benefits but also keeps the gameplay engaging, ensuring that players have much to look forward to when logging into the game.

While the celebrations are set to conclude on July 11, 2023, the impact of the events is sure to linger, with players enjoying their rewards and bonuses well beyond the event's end. The Classic 2nd Anniversary Event Surveys & Bundle promotions reflect Aion Classic's dedication to their community, marking a memorable milestone for the game.

Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the world of Aion Classic, there's no better time to dive in and take part in the festivities. With the wealth of rewards on offer, there's something for everyone in this anniversary celebration. So, log in, complete the surveys, grab your bundles, and join the celebration!

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