Friday, September 8, 2023

Aion Classic Announces Siel/Nezekan Server Merge for 2023


In a move to streamline the gaming experience for its dedicated player base, Aion Classic has announced a significant server merge for Siel and Nezekan. This merge, scheduled for September 19, 2023, during the 3PM PDT maintenance, aims to consolidate the player base and enhance in-game interactions.

Key Details:

  • Event Duration: The merge will take place from September 5, 2023 (after scheduled maintenance) to September 19, 2023 (before scheduled maintenance).
  • Server Merge List: Siel and Nezekan servers will be merged into a single entity.
  • Changed Server Settings:
    • Fortress Siege/Occupation status will be reset. Notably, Silentera Canyon will be disabled until fortresses are occupied.
    • New sales rates and taxes will be introduced based on faction ratios.

Server Merge Rewards:

To incentivize players and show appreciation for their loyalty, Aion Classic is offering server merge rewards:

  • For Siel Players:
    • [Event] Major Ancient Crown Box: 5
    • Platinum Medal: 5
    • [Event] Administrator's Boon: 5
  • For Nezekan Players:
    • [Event] 5 Major Ancient Crown Box: 5
    • [Event] Lv95 Enchantment Stone: 10
    • [Event] Elite Primus Pilus Weapon Selection Box: 1
    • [Event] Elite Primus Pilus's Shoulderplates/Gloves/Shoes Selection Box: 1

Server Faction Overlap:

For the merged Siel server, players should be aware that if both Elyos and Asmodian factions exist on the same account, they won't be able to create new characters until they remove all characters from one faction. However, gameplay with both factions remains unaffected.

Name Changes:

All Nezekan character and legion names will be randomly generated. As compensation, Nezekan characters will receive an [Event] Name Change Ticket, and Nezekan legion leader characters will get an [Event] Legion Name Change Ticket.

Item/Legion Transfers:

A comprehensive list of items, including equipped items, items in inventory, private warehouse, special cube, account warehouse, and more, will be transferred to the merged server. Similarly, legion details, excluding the name, will be moved.

Integrated World Exchange:

To ensure a smooth transition, the Integrated World Exchange will be temporarily suspended from September 5 to September 19. All unsettled transactions by September 19, 3PM PDT, will be deleted, and recovery won't be possible post-merge.


Arena of Discipline, Harmony, and Glory ranking seasons will see changes in their schedules to accommodate the merge.

Friends List:

Post-merge, characters from Nezekan will be removed from players' friend lists, while Siel characters will remain unaffected.


The Siel/Nezekan server merge is a strategic move by Aion Classic to enhance the gaming experience for its players. While the merge comes with its set of changes and adjustments, it promises a more consolidated and interactive environment for Daevas across Atreia. Players are encouraged to stay updated and prepare for the upcoming changes.

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