Friday, December 22, 2023

Aion's Holiday Screenshot Contest: Capture the Festive Spirit for Prizes

Aion has launched a Holiday Screenshot Contest, inviting players from both Retail and Classic servers to capture the festive spirit in Atreia. Running from December 21, 2023, to January 5, 2024, this contest encourages players to use their creativity to take the best holiday-themed in-game photos and submit them for a chance to win exciting prizes.

Contest Details

  • Event Duration: December 21, 2023 - January 5, 2024
  • Photo Deadline: January 5, 2024, at 11:45 PM PST
  • Winner Announcement: January 11, 2024

How to Participate

  1. Take a Holiday Photo: Starting December 21, use the in-game screenshot command or any screengrab program to take a holiday-themed picture.
  2. Be Creative: Make your picture stand out with creative compositions and camera angles.
  3. Post on Discord: Join the Aion Discord and post your photo in the #retail-holiday-contest or #classic-holiday-contest channel.
  4. Include Character Name: When posting, type in your character's name for reward eligibility.
  5. One Submission Per Person: Choose one game type and submit to one contest only.

Contest Rules

  • Current Photos Only: The photo must be taken during the contest duration.
  • No Excessive Editing: Image editing software for retouching or color enhancements is not allowed, but cropping, brightness, and contrast adjustments are permissible.
  • File Format: Ensure the photo is in a compatible format for Discord posting.
  • Single Submission: Only one submission per person is allowed.


The top three photos from both Retail and Classic will receive the following rewards:

  • 1st Place: [Event] Paragon Weapon Selection Box, [Event] Empyrean Lord's Holy Water x 5, [Event] Winter Holiday Weapon Selection Box, [Event] Lv110 Enchantment Stone, [Event] Major Ancient Crown x 5, Cute Solorius Weapon Selection Box.
  • 2nd Place: [Event] Empyrean Lord's Holy Water x 3, [Event] Winter Holiday Weapon Selection Box, [Event] Major Ancient Crown x 3, Cute Solorius Weapon Selection Box.
  • 3rd Place: [Event] Winter Holiday Weapon Selection Box, Cute Solorius Weapon Selection Box.

Photography Tips

  • Remove Interface: Press F12 to unclutter the frame.
  • Creative Composition: Use items, other players, weapons, and camera angles creatively.
  • Enhance Graphics: Raise graphics settings to high for better photo quality.


Aion's Holiday Screenshot Contest offers a fun and creative way for players to engage with the game during the festive season. With attractive prizes and the chance to showcase photography skills, this contest is an excellent opportunity for players to celebrate the holidays in Atreia. Participants are encouraged to be creative and have fun with their submissions.

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