Saturday, January 13, 2024

Lucky Daeva Candy Bundle in Aion Classic: A Sweet Deal for January 2024


Aion Classic is sweetening the deal for its players this January with the introduction of the Lucky Daeva Candy Bundle. Available from January 9th to January 23rd, this promotion offers an exciting opportunity for Daevas to indulge in a variety of delightful candies, each with the potential to significantly boost their in-game wealth.

What’s in the Bundle?

The Lucky Daeva Candy Bundle includes two main items:

  1. Daeva Candy Box: For 600 Quna, players can purchase a bundle of 10 Daeva Candy Boxes.
  2. [Event] Lucky Daeva Candy Bundle: This special event bundle gives players a chance to unlock 1 to 100 Daeva Candy Boxes based on probability.

The Sweetness of Daeva Candies

  • Choice of Candies: Upon opening a Daeva Candy Box, players can choose 3 candies from the following options: Dignified, Wise, Extraordinary, or Tough Daeva Candies.
  • Kinah Earnings: Each Daeva Candy can be sold to vendors for a generous 250,000 Kinah, offering a substantial financial boost.

The [Event] Lucky Daeva Candy Bundle

  • This special event bundle adds an element of surprise and excitement, as players have a chance to unlock a random number of Daeva Candy Boxes ranging from 1 to 100.

Pricing and Availability

  • The standard Lucky Daeva Candy Bundle is priced at 600 Quna.
  • The sale concludes on January 23rd, making it a limited-time offer that players won’t want to miss.

A Sweet Opportunity for Aion Classic Players

This promotion is a delightful way for players to enhance their gaming experience. Not only do the candies offer a fun and unique element to the game, but the potential Kinah earnings from selling these candies provide a practical benefit as well.


The Lucky Daeva Candy Bundle is a testament to Aion Classic's commitment to keeping the game exciting and rewarding. With its limited availability, it's an enticing offer for players looking to add a little sweetness to their Aion adventure. Be sure to grab your bundle before the offer ends on January 23rd and enjoy the delightful benefits it brings!

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