Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Aion Online Store Update: Candy All-Star Selection Boxes Now Available

Aion Online has announced a sweet update to their Classic Store. From July 18 to August 1, players can purchase Candy All-star Selection Boxes, offering a variety of forms and attributes to create a custom gaming experience.

Store Update

The Candy All-star Selection Boxes are available in the following quantities:

  • Candy All-star Selection Box (1 quantity) for 60 Quna
  • Candy All-star Selection Box (x11) for 600 Quna

Candy Selections

Players can choose their Candy Selection Form from the following options:

  • Inquin
  • Sea Panda
  • Doggo
  • Fennec Fox
  • Meow
  • Rotund
  • Mountain Panda

Candy Attributes

Upon selecting the form, players can choose one of the following attributes:

  • Dignified Candy: Lasts for 60 minutes and increases Physical Attack by 2, Accuracy by 48, Speed by 3%, and Atk Speed by 3%.
  • Wise Candy: Lasts for 60 minutes and increases Magic Boost by 10, Magic Accuracy by 48, Speed by 3%, and Casting Speed by 3%.
  • Extraordinary Candy: Lasts for 60 minutes and increases Magic Boost by 10, Magic Accuracy by 48, Speed by 3%, and Atk Speed by 3%.

The Candy All-star Selection Boxes offer a fun and customizable way for players to enhance their Aion Online experience. Whether you're a fan of the adorable Doggo or the majestic Mountain Panda, there's a Candy Selection Form for everyone. And with the added attributes, players can boost their gameplay in a way that suits their style.

Don't miss out on this sweet deal! The Candy All-star Selection Boxes are only available until August 1.

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