Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Aion's Silentera Reward Boost Event: An Opportunity for Players to Earn Exceptional Rewards


Aion has announced a special event for its players, the Silentera Reward Boost Event. This event will take place on two dates, July 16 and July 23, from 16:00 to 18:00, each session lasting for two hours.

During the event, players will have the opportunity to earn rewards by defeating elite monsters in the Silentera Corridor. The event is set to feature 19 elite monsters, including the Silentera Harbinger, Silentera Warmonger, Silentera Elite Ambusher, Silentera Elite Sentinel, and many more.

The most notable aspect of this event is the reward. Players who successfully defeat these monsters will obtain the 'Giant's Sword' item. This item can be sold as Kinah in the shop, providing players with a significant boost in their in-game currency.

The drop rate for the 'Giant's Sword' is set at 100%, ensuring that every player who participates in the event and defeats the elite monsters will receive this valuable item.

The Silentera Reward Boost Event presents a fantastic opportunity for Aion players to engage in challenging battles and earn substantial rewards. It's an event that should not be missed by any Aion player looking to enhance their gameplay experience and increase their in-game wealth.

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