Saturday, January 13, 2024

Boost Bundle Promotion in Aion Retail: January 2024


Aion Retail introduces the Boost Bundle Promotion, an exciting opportunity for Daevas to enhance their gameplay experience. Running from January 9th to January 23rd, this promotion offers a range of bundles designed to boost stats, abyss points, or minions, along with the chance to exchange event coins for valuable items.

Promotion Details

  • Duration: January 9 – January 23
  • NPC/Item Removal: January 30

Sales Items

The promotion features three main bundles:

  1. Boost! Lucky Star Bundle
    • Contains 70 [BCM] Berdin's Giant Lucky Stars for 960 BCC.
    • Limited to 10 per account.
  2. Boost! Abyssal Star Bundle
    • Includes 150 [BCM] Giant Abyssal Stars for 850 BCC.
    • Limited to 10 per account.
  3. Boost! Minion Bundle
    • Offers a [BCM] Rank 4 Grade A Minion Contract Selection Box and a [BCM] Grade S/A Minium Selection Box for 1,700 BCC.
    • Limited to 15 per account.

Each bundle also includes a [BCM] Growth Coin and a [BCM] Garden of Growth Bonus Entry Scroll.

Bundle Contents

The Boost Bundle, included in each package, contains a variety of items based on probability, including Berdin's Giant Lucky Stars, Giant Abyssal Stars, Grade A Minium, and Minion Contract Boxes.

NPC & Event Coin

Players can exchange [BCM] Growth Coins for desired items through NPC Popolung located in Inggison and Gelkmaros. The merchant list includes Grade S Minion Contract Boxes, Berdin's Giant Lucky Star Bundles, Giant Abyssal Star Bundles, and more.

NPC Popolung Merchant List

A variety of items are available for exchange, including Minion Contract Boxes, Lucky Star Bundles, Abyssal Star Bundles, and Stigma Enchantment Stone Bundles.


The Boost Bundle Promotion in Aion Retail is a fantastic opportunity for players to significantly enhance their characters and gameplay experience. With a variety of bundles and the chance to exchange for even more valuable items, this promotion is an essential event for players looking to make the most of their Aion journey. Remember to utilize all your Growth Coins before the NPC and item removal on January 30, 2024!

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